Sep 3, 2021

How to apply to a Dutch university as a Bulgarian

There is your dream university: a glorious institution providing you the higher education that you have always wanted. You can’t wait to enter, but the whole application process seems like a scary road to your dream? Well, the application process is for every non-Dutch student the same, but as I am from Bulgary, I'd like to help out my fellow countryman and -women. Here is a guide to how to apply to a Dutch university, without having to worry about it too much!

Do you want to find out if HZ is the right university for you? Talk to an  advisor!

1) Use an agency

There are agencies to help you out. They have contact with several universities and they can tell you differences. There are 3 main agencies: Edlanta, Unify and Integral. And their services are for free! So, the student doesn’t pay anything and receives such an indispensable help!

- Edlanta has an amazing team of people who take care of all the application procedures extremely well. They will guide you through each step of applying to the dream institution!

- UNIFY focuses on higher education in the Netherlands. Their representatives are all graduates from Dutch universities, so they are competent in what studying in this country is like. Moreover, they share tips about the student life, too!

- Integral hosts major educational fairs, and provides free services for the application to partner universities. In addition, they offer career consultations!

How to?
Contact the agency. Send them your documents (motivational letter, recommendations by teachers, CV, high school diploma and an English certificate). Furthermore, the consultants will inform you about deadlines and they will be the ones who communicate with the universities. So, you don’t need to worry about anything!

Why choose an agency?
1. They do all the application procedure for free!

2. They check your documents. They may give advice on how your motivational letter can be improved or what should be included in your CV.

3. They offer you support in such a difficult moment and they handle every detail of the application procedure!

4. They genuinely care about students and are always ready to help them with tips and tricks

5. Check 1. :)

applying as a bulgarian student

2) Do it yourself

Of course, you can apply on your own. This means that you have to create an account in Studielink and check it regularly to keep up with the deadlines for sending the different kinds of documents. More effort is required and you need to spend a lot of time researching, while you can save this time and focus on performing well on your English exam or on writing a strong motivational letter.

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