Aug 20, 2021

Doing an exchange programme while studying abroad

As a prospective student you might not be thinking of an exchange programme yet. You are probably thinking of where to follow a study programme in the first place. While, I can tell you, an exchange programme during the third year of your study programme is one of the most intense periods while you study abroad. Make it a good one!

You will need to organize the whole journey by yourself. These thoughts might stress you out, but no worries, I, as a student of HZ University Of Applied Sciences, had completely the same questions before doing my exchange programme.

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I am now in my third year, doing an exchange programme in Vienna. It was the second time that I had to adapt to a new environment and live on my own. After two years in Vlissingen, I adapted to the environment, gained some friends, had a place to live and found a job and i had to leave all this. In this blog I will tell you about my personal experience and consequences that affected me in a positive way. It is obviously an exciting event in every student’s life, however, it is also a period of worrying since I had to arrange everything from a zero again.

Organizing your exchange programme
First I had to pick a destination. I definitely wanted to study in Europe. But where? After doing some research I decided that Vienna (Austria) was waiting for me. Then I had to arrange accommodation. Luckily I found one quite quick. Then I picked the courses I'd like to follow at a partner university. I arranged some other formal things. And then I was ready to go to a new place.

And here I am, alone, at night in Vienna, after a long trip by bus. Luckily, I could find my new dormitory by taxi pretty quickly. I met incredibly nice flat mates who warmly welcomed me and showed me around in our flat. And yes, I chose a flat because it seems to me I'd have more chances to communicate with locals.

My first week in Vienna was full of exciting and memorable moments. There was an introduction week organized by FH Wien University of Applied Sciences, where all exchange students, who came from different parts of the world, got to know each other. There I found my new international family. Moreover, all organizational moments were explained and everything became clear. Everything I was worried about just disappeared because I realized I’m not alone and there are so many people around me willing to help.

At the moment i am writing this blog, trying to remember all the moments that happened to me in Vienna, I realize HZ offers great opportunities for their students to have one of the best (or maybe the best) exchange programmes in the whole study period. So if you think of studying at HZ, ask them about the opportunities for the exchanges programmes

Most memorable footprint in your life
If you ask me: “What did you gain from an exchange programme?” I will answer that, first of all, I adapted to living alone in a big city. I was born in a small city, later I came to study in Vlissingen, which is also not big and then I was afraid to go to the capital of Austria, because it is much bigger than places I lived before. However, I feel very confident and comfortable by staying in a big city now.

Secondly, although you definitely develop your English skills by studying at HZ, you improve it even more during your exchange programme. By spending my time in a completely international environment with people having different dialects, vocabulary level, even with English native speakers, I can say that I feel more confident about my English language abilities. Finally, the most important advantage is that I gained an incredible knowledge about various cultures and traditions through communicating with other exchange students.

To conclude, I remember how nervous I was about picking the right destination, finding accommodation, choosing the right courses at partner institution of HZ, finding new soul mates. However, now I know that everything that seems scary or new in the beginning, later leaves the most memorable footprint in your life.

Once again, I shared my experience about doing an exchange programme abroad, and also positive consequences that changed my inner character. Changing the environment, gaining new knowledge, meeting people from different parts of the world, exploring new places, being more self-consistent, and improving language skills, these are all components of exchange adventure!

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